How to Boost Your App's Performance with a Marketing Audit

26 April 2022

Here at AdQuantum we regularly receive requests from product teams to figure out why their mobile apps have low conversions, poor ROI, or negative store ratings. To find the root of the problem and help scale the app, we audit the app's marketing funnel.

​​What is a marketing funnel audit and what’s it for?

A mobile app marketing funnel is the path from acquiring a user through to that user completing a target action or the recommendation of the app to other users. Our agency mainly works with projects that have already dealt with paid user acquisition and are aware of how marketing metrics work — at least, slightly.

An app marketing audit helps to determine where the funnel bottlenecks occur — what the errors and growth points of the marketing that you run for your product are. What should be fixed so that the conversion proceeds smoothly all the way down the funnel. This is how the funnel of an abstract mobile application looks like in metrics and numbers:

The funnel analysis shows that: 

Let's analyze in more detail. The statistics show how each channel pays off. If you look at the metrics closely, you can identify the key ones that you can influence to boost the app’s performance:

When we look closely at buying settings, we can see exactly what should be fixed in order to get rid of funnel bottlenecks. A few examples: 

What are the parameters that the evaluation is based on?

Through the ad account, we check whether your user acquisition campaigns are set up correctly, if they perform well relative to benchmarks, and if the creative strategy you have chosen is “viable”.

Product metrics help us evaluate the current and potential payback of a project, define growth points for efficient user acquisition, and select the most suitable traffic sources. Usually we do this using a tracker. 

Occasionally, for mobile projects, we also resort to product analytics — for example, through Amplitude. As for the web products, the two best ways to track and analyze are through Google Analytics and custom solutions analysis based on client’s uploads.

Based on the results of the analysis of options settings and product metrics, we draw the following conclusions: 

  1. Determining the extension of payback of the product. Also, give you recommendations for its improvement. 
  2. Forming up a scaling strategy. 
  3. Proposing a strategy for correcting errors in your user acquisition strategy.

What exactly is analyzed?

We analyze the top of the funnel regarding the GEOs involved and optimization types. For this, we pay attention to the CPM, CPC, CTR, IR, CPI, IPM metrics. We also explore in detail the settings of your ad campaigns: audience, placements, optimization and bidding strategy. Additionally, we analyze ad creatives: what hypotheses and text bubbles are used in the creatives and how suitable they are for your application.

At this stage, we go through the product metrics: ARPU, ARPPU, Retention rate, Conversion Rate, Revenue, ROAS and ROI by day.

We take a look at the map, where the tracker events are compared with the events of the ad platforms (event mapping). We also examine the correctness of the attribution settings and integrations of the ad platforms.

How long does an audit take?

The audit period depends heavily on the amount of user acquisition work you have done before. The more ad channels you have used and the larger the campaigns are, the longer the audit will take.

On average, the audit takes about 1-2 business days. This is enough to assess the project, carefully review the ad accounts and the tracker, bring together data between the tracker and ad platforms, write recommendations for the test, find errors and comment on the creative strategy.

How much does an audit cost and what is required for it?

We conduct audits free of charge. A tandem of an experienced media buyer and a creative manager. On your part, you only need to provide us access for viewing the ad account and access to your tracker or an analytics system.

Based on the results of the audit, you will receive a presentation with detailed comments on the pros and cons of the product’s marketing. Our creative department leaves recommendations on ad hypotheses suitable for your project. All this is supported by tables with summarized data from ad cabinets. In basic terms, you get simple solutions that you can immediately put into practice and quickly achieve desirable conversions.

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